Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Ukulele

Republic Polytechnic Understanding Test has a great power. It has this power to make students punctual for lesson. But I believe this applies for first year’s students only. Why won’t I be late if there was a UT before class? I still wonder, and thank god that was the last UT for the whole year. And one more think that I still don’t understand is that I will always tend to finish my UT when I am late but never when I am early.

Class was boring today. Microsoft Exel,Graphs and Mathematics. We wanted to go home initially, but we decided to stay on. After class I had a session with Love Jets and it was love. It has been a while since we all met and boy it was sure fun. Got a ride for Derk just now. Thanks dude! Thanks for lighting the spark of interest for me to ride again.

Elly,Shi Lei , Man Si and GF ( Who was the photographer?)

Never Failed Put A Smile On My Face ♥

Happy One Month One Day Hor Dear

Anyways Meet Love Jets

The Drumist

The Guitarers

And lastly the Ukuleler and Vocaler

Till then people. =)

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