Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Beginning

Here Is Something To Start Off The New Year.

Here we have another new beginning,
Another chance to be what we are not.
Praised be those who recognize the rot,
Portion out the guilt, and go on living.
Years change far more frequently than we,
Nor are our changes more than painted screens,
Each placed to maximize our meager means,
Windows on a world that none can see.
Yet, truth be told, we know well what’s within.
Each resolution fails to touch the heart,
As in the end we are, as at the start,
Remorseful reprobates, half hope, half sin.
-Nicholas Gordan

Well countdown was a bore. The only part where we got excited was the last 5 secs of 2008.HAHA. And then it was back to boredom again.*KrikKrik* Made some new mates yesterday and they were crazy as hell.

2008 has left us and it’s a new beginning for everyone. I hope to have a fresh start in everything I do. Well that is what I always say when it’s the 1st January of every year. =) And reason being me blogging is because PJ inspired me to do so. I wanna see how much I have grown throughout my life. Anyways this is what I have to say for now. See you guys around. =)

And a very Happy New Year Everyone!
P.S : Dad, I really need you back home. ASAP!

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