Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The B Student

I didn't want to do my RJ for today , but here it goes...

Question: How do you find today lesson ? What are the success factors ?
Response: Words of advice from me Mr Gan , you just need to be a
little loose becuase you are pretty uptight.

You Do not have to always follow the rule. =)

Have a nice day!

I hope i get an A for being an HONEST student.

Well , i Wasn't late for SCHOOL today and i'm fucking proud. But left after 1st meeting. A waste aye? Well not in my class. If you are in W47R , you will know what i'm talking about.

Went home after school ends today , wanted to meet HAZY but she was around Woodlands. So headed home and napped. Then met AMI for a jog. BLOODY HELL , he can come up with different excuses every single time he has to go home. You will soon run out of idea dude.

All ends well today , see you guys around.

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