Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ahoy there mates! Sorry bout yesterday's post. Was Shagged after school yesterday and i can't seem to figure out the reason why.And i am still kinda upset about the class though but no matter what i love "them". And its them that keep me wanting to come to school.Yesterday was my laziest day of all.I even cabbed down to school :D

Took a glance at the clock and i tot it was 0830hrs. Then i stared hard again , it was 0930hrs! Didn't intend to come to school today but i will miss being with them for today and also my gf =) And elly kept bugging me for Season 4, so as promised i came to school. You see in RP, if you're classmates are great, no matter how sucky your module is, they are there to make it fun.I just wish we don't have to part. =(

Even before school ended, some of them left already.But my school activity today was different. The boys decided to stay on and hang out. We even planned to go to Chinatown to help the some of them find their CNY clothes. But we went to PASAR MALAM instead. After we bought the food, ADAM and JIE REN had to go home. Dinner with CY and GARY was a first for me.

On that faithful and fun day that i have, i saw the bitch that broke my already broken heart. The last time i saw her she was with another guy.Now a different guy.I have no idea how many guys she had fooled.So to all the girls out there, its not just you who are the victim here, guys are vulnerable too.I wish she stop hurting those guys cause i know how they will feel in the end , thats if they have feelings.

Well, i didn't have any photos for yesterday but it was all fun with the boys. And i went home with CY. Who would have expected that your classmate is your primary school friend best friend. Complicated aye? Not exactly. Anyways i was browsing through some photos and i feel i should post it up! Enjoy.

My Ah Lei! Cute aye?

CY did'nt even have to try =)

Daily Loves ♥

HAHA! Stupid Face!

My Self Proclaimed Chio Bu =)

And this was captured just now. =)

Maybe Santa is still shagged from Christmas?

Till then mates!

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