Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2nd Day

Okay mates, i'm gonna entertain you guys with my RJ for science today. Your very last RJ must be meaningful, touching and inspiring. You guys judge mine aye? This how much i appreciate him. =)

Question:How do you feel about what you have learnt, and why?
Response:Ever Since you Enter class, i learnt nothing from you.
No Doubt that Victor is better that you.I am
disappointed that i have not been able to learn
anything, whether its on science nor life-experience
were worthy to be spent in your class. As a mark of
prove, fellow classmates doesn't hesitate to be
partial or rather be absent from your module lesson.
Its is totally useless to even explain nor argue with
you about the grades as you are pretty bias and
unreasonable. Similar to a thorn in my flesh and it
really pissed me off being in your class where hard
work are not appreciated. Well, at least all the pain
and sufferings has ended as of today. YEAHHHH!!

Well , today was boring. I mean really really boring. I came to school even though i was late. And of course i came to school for loves. Even though Shi Lei wasn't there it was still alright. But then i was disappointed when 2 of them wanted to go off. I shall not mention their names. =)

But after school , my cousin fetch me from school. So he drove me home but we detoured lots of places before i reach home. Just when i thought i could reach home at 1630hrs, i ended up reaching at 1930hrs.

Then went jogging with the boys. I am not satisfied with our timing though. We clock in at 1/2 hr when we reach the esplanade.But in our defense, i have to say that we took the longer route. But from our place to the esplanade in half an hour is just not acceptable. Ended the day with lots of laughter with them obviously. Can't wait for W47R games day tomorrow. Till then mates!

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